Building Resilience

The concept of resilience can be hard to define and its relevance to mental health is often missed. Dictionary definitions touch on the capacity to recovery quickly from challenges or setbacks.   I tend to think of resilience as our “bounce-back” factor.   This can apply to both individuals and groups; it can also apply to broader systems such as …

Walking Through a Pandemic

  “Walking is man’s best medicine.” – Hippocrates   All throughout this pandemic, the one phrase heard around the world from fitness and mental health professionals was: “Go for a walk!”  There is not one exercise or activity on this planet that is more accessible and more beneficial than simply lacing up your shoes, heading out the door and putting …

Farmer’s Markets Best Buys

Considering what to do this weekend? Try a local farmer’s market! Hosted by Raina Beugelink, RD For more details follow ‘Revive Wellness Inc’ on Facebook Visit the website

Going camping? Here are some meal tips to keep eating healthy

5 Meal Tips For Camping

Going camping this weekend? Well, the nice weather means you might be considering a camping trip especially over a long weekend and sometimes that means your usual routine when it comes to nutrition may change! The good news is, you don’t have to compromise your nutrition while camping! You can still eat well and eat healthy while away enjoying the …