NEW Alcohol Guidelines (and our recommendations)

When it comes to nutrition guidelines, new recommendations may arise as evidence does – research is constantly being carried out. We pride ourselves on being evidence-based, so we constantly review this research! Depending on what the evidence shows, our recommendations may change such as with the new alcohol recommendations released by the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction (CCSA). …

The Real Reason to Train your Core

Having a strong core is more important than a visible six-pack will ever be. Your core is your entire support system. But don’t get it twisted (or do, because twisting is excellent for your core), the ‘abs’ or six pack are definitely a part of the core system, but not the only part to focus on. Your core muscles create …

How Stress Impacts Our Hormones and Ways to Cope

  We all know what it feels like to be stressed out. Around 25% of Canadians report feeling ‘quite a bit’ to ‘extremely stressed’ most days (Source). People living with chronic illness are even more likely to experience higher levels of stress on a regular basis. When we understand how stress relates to our hormones, we can learn how to …

When the package says “No Sugar Added”…

Consumers are trying to make healthier choices, and food companies are making it harder on them with misleading advertising. Consider a box of granola bars that says “naturally sweetened and “no sugar added” – when in fact you look to the ingredient list and see brown rice syrup and honey listed within the first four ingredients! This kind of false …

7 Tips to Manage Diabetes Over the Holidays

The holidays can be challenging and overwhelming for many people living with health conditions such as diabetes. A common question we receive this time of year is, “how do I manage my health but still enjoy the holidays?”  So we compiled our top tips for not only managing diabetes but, more importantly, enjoying the holidays!   Keep your meals consistent. Although you …

The Mediterranean Diet

What is the Mediterranean Diet? The Mediterranean diet is inspired by the diet patterns of those living in the Mediterranean region of Europe, including Spain, France, Italy, and Greece.   Health Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet The Mediterranean diet contains high amounts of vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seafood and low amounts of foods like red meats, baked goods, and candy. …

Caffeine’s Effects and Recommendations

Like most individuals, I wake up in the morning and without even thinking I have added the water to the coffee machine and I am carefully measuring out the number of scoops to make the perfect pot of coffee. After the first sip, I am sighing with relief knowing I will make it through the day. I began to question …