Man-Up to Wellness

Let’s talk about “manliness”. One might initially resort to defining manliness as being brave, strong and confident. But the definition or feeling of one’s manliness has changed throughout history and over culture. It has often been associated to being a warrior or serving in one’s national military. It’s been associated to having certain privileges or rights of passage. Many have …

Top Nutrients for Men’s Health

Both men and women benefit from eating healthy, balanced meals. However, men have slightly different nutritional needs that are important to address.   Zinc Zinc is a vital nutrient in our bodies that helps with gene expression, immunity, wound healing, and protein production. Zinc is also involved in many aspects of male reproduction, including the production of testosterone and sperm …

How Often Should We Work Out

One question that pops up fairly often from clients is how often they should be working out. The answer is: it depends. It depends on a variety of factors, including (but not limited to) your individual goals, your current fitness level, the intensity at that you exercise at, current stress levels, etc. As a health baseline, the Canadian Physical Activity …

Workout Recovery Explained

Recovery from exercise is the process whereby the body is returned to a pre-exercise state (Halson and Jeukendrup, 2004; Barnett, 2006). This recovery process can be broken down into several parts. First, it can be divided into two components: the fast component, and the slow component. The fast component involves the rapid decrease in heart rate, ventilation (breathing) rate, and …