The Importance of Trying New Foods

The Importance of Trying New Foods

There are many reasons why trying new foods is beneficial. You can:

Broaden your flavour horizons.

What is your favourite food? That’s probably an easy question to answer because you’ve answered it many times before. We all have foods we know we love, but why not make room for some new favourites? Just as our food preferences have evolved since childhood, it can continue to do so throughout our adult life as well. Maybe you haven’t yet discovered your new favourite food. Stay open minded and you might discover an item that lets you connect with others in your life, save money or be a good example for your kids.


Ensure you’re consuming a wide variety of nutrients – the more variety in your food choices, the more nutritional benefits you’ll receive.

You may have heard about the importance of “eating the rainbow”. There is some truth to that – there are so many nutritional benefits that come from eating a wide variety of foods. Generally, our bodies absorb and use nutrients most effectively when they come from our diet rather than supplements (with some exceptions), so it is in our best interest to introduce our bodies to many different foods. Of course we think primarily of fruits and vegetables, but this concept extends to all categories, even different herbs and spices.


Keep things interesting – you’re more likely to stay interested in cooking at home if you’re constantly exploring new foods and flavours.

Let’s be honest – home cooking can feel like a drag some days. Even those of us who absolutely love cooking experience days where this truly feels like a chore. When these days come up, it’s important to take a moment to reflect and ask why it feels that way. Has it been a busy or stressful week? Are you feeling uninspired and bored with the dishes you’ve been preparing recently? Sometimes we simply get in a rut. That often stems from staying in our comfort zone and eating the same foods and preparing the same recipes on rotation. You might be surprised at what introducing one new recipe into your rotation (or even a variation on a favourite recipe) will do to keep you feeling inspired in the kitchen.


Learn about a variety of cultures – there is so much to learn about the many cultures of the world and trying foods from around the globe is a great way to appreciate wonderfully diverse flavours!

Think back to the first time you went to a Mexican restaurant. Ok, you may not actually remember the specifics, but the important thing is that when you tried Mexican food for the first time, you probably tasted some bold new flavours you had never experienced before. Or perhaps you’ve done some traveling and tried a whole new palate by immersing yourself in another culture and opening yourself up to local delicacies. Food is such an important part of cultural identity, and eating meals communally is something that is done worldwide across all cultures. An easy way to learn more about the world is by trying different cuisines.


At this point, you might be saying that this all sounds great, but how do I implement this in my life? Luckily, trying new foods doesn’t have to be a complicated endeavor, and it certainly does not involve reinventing your entire diet. Stay tuned for our second blog with four easy ways to incorporate new foods into your diet!


By Chef Lisa