Chia seeds
A trendy addition to the food market this past year, chia seeds truly live up to their health hype. Chia seeds are a good source of soluble fibre. Soluble fibre is known to absorb water, which promotes fullness and satiety as it expands in the stomach after it has been eaten and moves into the stomach and intestine. Chia seeds are also a source of fat which slows down digestion and allows you to feel hungry less quickly. Try sprinkling them on salad, throw them in a smoothie or add them to overnight chia peanut butter pudding.
Broccoli (or really any bulky vegetable)
Fibre, fibre, fibre. Cruciferous (green leafy) veggies such as broccoli are excellent sources of insoluble fibre. Insoluble fibre is known as “bulking fibre” and increases the volume of contents in your stomach, signaling the brain that you have had enough to eat. Additionally, fibre slows the digestion of food as the body can’t actually digest fibre but rather moves it along the gastrointestinal tract, slowing the digestion of other foods. Aim for 1½–2 cups of mixed veggies at meals to promote satiety!
Greek yogurt
A common question that I am asked on a regular basis is, What is the difference between regular and Greek yogurt? When it comes to satiety, the main difference is the protein content of the yogurts. Protein is a macronutrient that slows digestions of other foods, allowing for steadier energy levels throughout the day and increased fullness. A ½ cup of regular yogurt contains 6 grams of protein while ½ cup of Greek yogurt contains 12 grams of protein. This is due to differences in the production process: in Greek yogurt, more fluid is strained out of the yogurt, leaving a creamy and high protein product.
Beans and lentils
Not only are beans and lentils an inexpensive option to include in your diet, but they are also produced in Canada which makes them a more sustainable food source. Beans and lentils are an excellent source of both soluble fibre and protein. This means they will be digested more slowly than other starchy foods (such as rice and pasta) and promote a feeling of fullness. Try adding beans or lentils to your favourite soup or chili to increase your feeling of fullness for the rest of the day.
Whole eggs
Before getting into the satiety benefits of whole eggs, let’s first address the elephant in the room: do eggs increase cholesterol? Due to the ongoing confusion and controversy, let’s clear this up. Eggs have not been shown to negatively impact heart health; rather, cholesterol consumed from animal products has as a minimal effect on total body cholesterol. In terms of satiety, I would argue that when consumed in moderation, eating whole eggs rather than egg whites is the way to go. Egg yolks contain fat which promotes fullness, as it is digested and absorbed much more slowly than other macronutrients. The yolk also contains a variety of vitamins such as A, D and choline.