Eating Simple Sugars to Your Advantage

Carbohydrates are made up of starch, fibre and sugar. When starches and fibre are present in a food, it forms complex carbohydrates that takes the body longer to digest. This prevents the blood sugar from spiking, and promotes even energy levels and longer satiety. Sugars are the carbohydrates in their simplest form (i.e. glucose, sucrose, and fructose), and digest quickly, causing a fast spike …

When is the Best Time to Eat Breakfast?

You have probably heard that age-old saying, “breakfast is the most important meal of the day.” But, when is the best time of the day to actually have this meal, and what if you don’t have a typical 9-to-5 routine? Breakfast literally means “breaking the fast” and is traditionally the first meal eaten in the day. Eating breakfast has been associated …

Top 5 Foods for Brain Health

Although all nutrient-dense foods contribute to healthy brain function, below is a list of five delicious ‘brain foods’ that have been shown to keep your mind healthy and alert!   Salmon Salmon is a good source of health fats like omega-3, specifically a fatty acid called DHA. DHA is an antioxidant that makes up a large part of the brain …

Meal Planning to Reduce Stress

Cooking meals for the week, especially if you need to feed an entire family, can be a large source of stress. Eating balanced homemade meals not only will improve your energy levels, but will also ultimately help you save time and money!   Plan Starting off the week without a plan often leads to grocery shopping over 3 times a …