Self-care as it relates to food

Self-care is any intentional action that is used to support our mental, physical and emotional health. Essentially, it is anything that helps to fill your own cup, charge your batteries, or replenish an empty gas tank. This may sound simple, but self-care practices are commonly overlooked in the rushed, busy nature of our daily lives. Nourishing your body through food …

Top 5 Foods for Heart Health

February is National Heart Month, and not just because of Valentine’s Day! Prevention is key when it comes to keeping your heart healthy. According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada close to 80% of premature heart disease and stroke can be prevented through lifestyle, including eating a well-balanced diet. So, what makes a food heart healthy? To keep …

Conquer Road Trip Snacking

Snacking, although vital to balance in your day, can quickly become a tool for managing boredom and become a mindless element of even the most well-thought-out road trip menus. However, this does not have to be the case if you maintain a few key principles when it comes to making good decisions with snacking on the go.   Eat Balanced …

Camping Hacks for Balanced Eating

While there are few things better than the taste of a fire-roasted smokie after a long day of hiking and exploring, balanced eating is still possible and important on camping trips. Particularly if camping is a large part of your weekends this summer, continuing to make progress in your own health journey can be impacted and leave you feeling frustrated if meals aren’t …

Stress and Your Appetite

We have all heard of (and have likely experienced) the phenomenon of stress eating.  But why is it that some people can go through a whole day without even thinking about food and then come home starving? Roughly 40% of people will eat more while stressed, 40% will eat less, and about 20% of people don’t change their eating at …

Eating Simple Sugars to Your Advantage

Carbohydrates are made up of starch, fibre and sugar. When starches and fibre are present in a food, it forms complex carbohydrates that takes the body longer to digest. This prevents the blood sugar from spiking, and promotes even energy levels and longer satiety. Sugars are the carbohydrates in their simplest form (i.e. glucose, sucrose, and fructose), and digest quickly, causing a fast spike …