What is Self-care?

Self-care. A term that has become more common in our conversations with our loved ones, our colleagues and on social media. But what does this actually mean? Self-care is any intentional action that is used to support our mental, physical and emotional health. Essentially, it is anything that helps to fill up your own cup, charge your batteries, or replenish …

Self-care as it relates to food

Self-care is any intentional action that is used to support our mental, physical and emotional health. Essentially, it is anything that helps to fill your own cup, charge your batteries, or replenish an empty gas tank. This may sound simple, but self-care practices are commonly overlooked in the rushed, busy nature of our daily lives. Nourishing your body through food …

Eyes on Which Prize? How Goal Orientation Can Influence Our Exercise Habits

For many, the practice of a fitness routine involves goal setting, with two main orientations:  outcome goal orientation (also known as a competitive goal orientation) and task goal orientation (aka. mastery goal orientation).   An outcome orientation is based on social comparison and outperforming others, whereas task orientation emphasizes improvement relative to one’s former self. People can be simultaneously outcome …

Three Ways To Show Yourself More Love

We have all heard the statement “you are your biggest critic”, and this couldn’t be more true. Most often, we unconditionally offer kindness and love to the people we interact with in our everyday life, but somehow when it comes to ourselves, we fall short. Self-compassion: to offer love and kindness to yourself in the way that you offer it to …