Self-care. A term that has become more common in our conversations with our loved ones, our colleagues and on social media. But what does this actually mean? Self-care is any intentional action that is used to support our mental, physical and emotional health. Essentially, it is anything that helps to fill up your own cup, charge your batteries, or replenish …
Conquer Road Trip Snacking
Snacking, although vital to balance in your day, can quickly become a tool for managing boredom and become a mindless element of even the most well-thought-out road trip menus. However, this does not have to be the case if you maintain a few key principles when it comes to making good decisions with snacking on the go. Eat Balanced …
Office Organization for Better Health
You might have heard that sitting at a desk all day isn’t the most helpful when it comes to our heath, but have you ever thought about the role that organization can play in your overall well-being? Every individual has their ideal work environment, but whether you need everything perfectly organized, or typically work in a pile of papers and chaos, finding …
Spring Clean Your Diet
Heavy eating habits can build up in chilly winter months. Time to clean up your eating routine and refresh your meal plan in the true spirit of spring! Home and Office Environment Clean out your cabinets, pantry and fridge of the expired foods, and treat food items that have been to filling you “out” instead of filling you up! Organize …
Spring Clean Your Fitness
Spring is a great opportunity for a fresh fitness start. It’s time to take things to the great outdoors, where there are endless opportunities to add variety to your workouts. With winter behind you, being outdoors brings the opportunity for better air quality, increased vitamin D production, diminishing symptoms that go along with Seasonal Affective Disorder, and a better mood …
Hydration Helps You Focus
When we hear the term hydration, we often think of marathon runners or elite athletes. We link hydration to sports performance, but often forget it can have a drastic effect on our day-to-day lives, improving our brain function. Water provides the brain with energy and nutrients, removes toxins, and maintains strong signalling allowing for stronger thinking and memory processing. Proper …