Sun Salutations

In last week’s blog we talked about how the sun regulates, connects and sustains life on earth. In this post we’ll look at how we can pay tribute to the sun within a yoga practice. The “Sun Salutation A” sequence represents a humble salute to our primary source of light. It gives us the opportunity to express gratitude to the …

Top 5 Foods for Brain Health

Although all nutrient-dense foods contribute to healthy brain function, below is a list of five delicious ‘brain foods’ that have been shown to keep your mind healthy and alert!   Salmon Salmon is a good source of health fats like omega-3, specifically a fatty acid called DHA. DHA is an antioxidant that makes up a large part of the brain …

5 Steps to Make Homemade Salad Dressing

Dressing is one simple way to transform seemingly monotonous vegetables into enticing side dishes that pleasantly enhance the rest of your meal. Making salad dressings at home can allow for even more customization in your salad or vegetable dish flavor variety. Heck, you could customize a new salad dressing for each night of the week! Not to worry however, the …

Choosing the Right Weight

Unfortunately this question does not come with an easy answer. Different fitness goals (increased muscular strength, muscle size (hypertrophy) or muscular endurance for example) all require different answers to this question. With an exercise focused on strength, you should use a weight they are only able to lift 2-4 times before muscular fatigue. For hypertrophy, use a weight that you …

10 ways to improve your run

Running can be very technical. Experiment with the following things to improve your run. Even slight changes can be significantly helpful, so try some of the following… 1. Lean First, try to run straight up with a slight forward lean. This will help prevent back strain as well as release tension from your hips. As runners fatigue this is a …

Women and Weight Training: Debunking the ‘Bulky’ Myth

FITNESS As more and more women take up resistance training, there is still a lingering misconception that participating in a weights-based exercise program will make women ‘bulky’ or ‘manly-looking’. There are many benefits for women to weight training, from both the perspectives of health and aesthetics. I will explain to you why weight training is a great thing for women …

3 Solutions for Improved Laptop Ergonomics

Technology has become integral to our lives and despite the positives, several common musculoskeletal disorders have become epidemic. Poor posture, neck pain, generalized back pain and lower-back pain are just some of the common aches and pains which are often a direct result of staring at our phones or sitting on our computers. One study by Sang et al. (2016) …

Perfectionism: Strength or Weakness?

If you have ever been upset about someone not cleaning to your standards, getting a “B” in school, or someone not liking you, it is highly likely that you are a perfectionist. Our society rewards perfectionistic tendencies such as an insatiable drive and incredibly high standards. However, there are potential costs, including chronic stress, relationship difficulties, frequent anger, low self-esteem …

Hydration Helps You Focus

When we hear the term hydration, we often think of marathon runners or elite athletes. We link hydration to sports performance, but often forget it can have a drastic effect on our day-to-day lives, improving our brain function. Water provides the brain with energy and nutrients, removes toxins, and maintains strong signalling allowing for stronger thinking and memory processing. Proper …

4 Tips to Overcome Your Fitness Plateau

Typically, when one starts with either a new meal plan or has fresh vigor to start working out again, progress just happens.  People lose weight, fat almost falls off the body, muscle seems to appear like the coming spring, progress is made with different exercises, and the whole world is right. In the world of health and personal training, a “plateau” refers …